R v G (P) and G (A) [2018] Cardiff Crown Court: Leading counsel for the Prosecution in trial of a husband and wife described as the “Fred and Rose West of Barry” for the historical rape and other serious sexual offences against a number of vulnerable young women who had been groomed into sexual activity by the Defendants. The trial involved issues of grooming and manipulation of young teenagers together with issues of lawful consent.
R v JW and others (Operation Swan) – 6 week trial. Leading junior counsel in large scale prosecution of multiple defendants for historic offences of serious sexual abuse against multiple complainants within a familial context. Allegations spanned 20 years and a number of generations and reflected changes in legislation relating to sexual offences, Included a number of vulnerable witnesses requiring various special measures, including use of intermediaries. Complex issues of disclosure.
R v AS – defence counsel. 16 year old Defendant. Allegation of rape upon a mentally vulnerable adult. Defendant also vulnerable with various behavioural disorders. Trial conducted via use of intermediaries and appropriate trial procedures for young defendant.
R v CN – Prosecution counsel. Historical sexual allegations within a familial context spanning the change of legislation relating to sexual offences. Multiple victims. Defendant had admitted incestuous conduct but denied non consensual offending – trial concerned issue of consent with young victims in a close familial context. Trial involved extremely sensitive recorded footage of offending which had to be presented as part of the evidence.
R v NW – Prosecution counsel. Defendant was a convicted sex offender who made a complaint that he had been victim of familial sexual abuse. In course of his complaint, he disclosed a large volume of previous serious sexual offending by him upon multiple victims, including babies. Complex indictment and significant issues of disclosure.
R v RJ – prosecution counsel. Defendant had raped multiple victims, all of whom were sex workers. Victims were distrustful of the court process and were vulnerable. Case involved working closely with the Crown Prosecution Service, police and “Streetlife” ( outreach team working on the street with sex workers).
R v CD – defence counsel. Trial concerned allegations of historical sexual abuse within familial context. Multiple vicitms, including vulnerable and young witnesses who required a careful approach in cross examination within current guidance as to best practice.
R v LI and JO (Operation Crimson) – prosecution counsel. Defendants had trafficked two women into the UK from Nigeria and into prostitution. Victims had been subjected to “JuJu” ceremonies to ensure their compliance with the Defendants’ demands. Evidence included expert evidence on the cultural background of the vicitms in Nigeria and, in particular, the force of the JuJu ceremony. Victims extremely vulnerable and frightened of the court process. Complex evidence regarding financial transfers within and outside the UK. Case also involved Proceeds of Crime Act proceedings in relation to controlling prostitution.
R v LW – prosecution counsel. Trial of allegation of historical sexual abuse by brother upon sister. Trial involved analysis and presentation of expert evidence upon a number of complex areas including soil analysis, DNA evidence and fingerprint evidence.
R v CG – Prosecution counsel. Trial concerned allegations of historical sexual abuse within a familial context commencing in 1970. Multiple Complainants. Issues of disclosure of material from children’s home, abuse of process and “doli incapax”.
R v KP – Defence counsel. Multiple complainant case concerning allegations of sexual abuse over 30 years previously upon children who were as young as 3– issues of abuse of process and expert evidence regarding aspects of childhood memories.
R v JN – Prosecution counsel. Defendant charged with rape on his partner. Victim and Defendant both deaf and with impaired speech. Trial conducted through British Sign Language interpretation.
R v WB (Operation Thistle) – Prosecution counsel.. Allegations of rape and serious sexual offences against multiple Complainants, all of whom were vulnerable young women with a background of being in care. Case concerned allegations of rape, bestiality, controlling prostitution and indecent images. Case also involved Proceeds of Crime Act proceedings in respect of brothel keeping offences.
R v JR – Prosecution counsel. Defendant charged with the kidnap and rape of a young child who was playing in a local park. Vulnerable victim and complex medical evidence on issue of penetration.