March 17 2020
Following recent Government advice, 30 Park Place have implemented steps to protect the health and wellbeing of its staff, clients and members.
The measures are designed to minimise the need for physical presence on site which means;
If attendance at chambers is essential, we would ask that you follow government advice on handwashing, use of tissues and social distancing etc.
Please note that no one should physically attend meetings or visit our premises if they have symptoms of coronavirus (Covid-19).
No one should physically attend meetings or visit our premises who has had recent (within the last 7 days) close contact with someone with the symptoms of coronavirus (Covid-19).
Symptoms set out by the NHS include a high temperature (you feel hot to touch on your chest or back) and/or a new, continuous cough (meaning you have started coughing repeatedly)
Developments are being closely monitorred. We will update you further if advice received from the government agencies should change and in the meantime if you would like any further information on our response to the current challenges, please email the Senior Clerk Phil Griffiths
Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.
30 Park Place